SmartFTP FTP Library
FXP downloads a specified remote file.
HRESULT FXPDownloadFile( [in] BSTR remoteFile, [in] long startPositionLo, [in] long startPositionHi );
If the Passive property is true the method returns with FTPLIB_E_PAUSED after the PASV command and the address of the PASV reply is available in the PassiveAddress property. To continue call the Continue method.
If the Passive property is false the method returns with FTPLIB_E_MOREDATA if the PassiveAddress property is empty. To continue call the Continue method. After the PORT command reply is received the method returns FTPLIB_E_PAUSED to allow synchronization with the other connection.
The client send the RETR command to start the data transfer. In case the nRestart arguments are greater than zero, the client sends a REST command to resume the transfer.
The user is responsible to set the correct data transfer settings.
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